if i never see your face again ...
then i will find you and love you once more
time after time

Monday, September 14, 2009

The Time Traveler's Wife...

It takes a lot to truly love someone and give in everything for someone you love... it takes even more if that person you love will sort of disappear in front of you all the sudden and will only be back in a few hours or even a few weeks later...

He was able to travel in time back to his past hundreds and hundreds of time to watch the traffic accident which didn't kill him but ended the life of his beloved mum without able to do anything to save his mum but watch her pass away tragically ...

Henry DeTamble time traveling instinct beyond his personal control and always happen all the sudden might have destroyed his opportunity of building a work career but it also helped him to meet the girl of his life...

Met him at the age of 6 years old during a personal picnic, the girl had deeply fall in love with him when Clare Abshire was just a child...

She knows everything about him and most of their met about are during the traveling events... until when she was 23 years old she got a clue back from the past that he would be working in the library and there comes a real life actual age meet up and encounter...which eventually leads to marriage..

Even during marriage ceremonies, a lot of excitement cause by his sudden disappearances had cause surprise and nervousness by her close friends who knows about it and her parents who was so surprised that he aged so much all the sudden...

After marriage, there are times Clare Abshire felt very much alone by Henry DeTamble sudden disappearance everytime..but no matter the challenges both of them met, their hearts are true to each other and they always patch up once an interesting event such as able to remember the future opening lottery numbers which allows them to pocket million of dollars instantly.

They used the money they won to purchase Clare Abshire's dream house.. which allows Clare Abshire to do drawings at one apartment of their house and another was for their personal living and gathering of friends...

Even to have a baby together was so difficult that she had miscarriage 6 times due to the time traveling instinct genes of the baby until the moment his husband decided proceed with vasectomy, in order to prevent her from further pain... but this didn't prevent her from getting pregnant again when she have an encounter with his past after the incident.

This time she really get pregnant and successfully gave birth to Alba... she was also carrying the same traveling instinct genes which medically called 'Chrono-Displacement' but was much better then his father as she was trained to control the location which would be at in events of sudden time traveling..

Location is a problem for his father Henry DeTamble because he couldn't control both time and location and always appears without clothing, this continuity of time traveling made him amputated and eventually death when he was traveling back to 1984 all the sudden in a woods of snow and was shot instantly by Clare's brother before transform back to present and death at the age of 43 during chirstmas eve when Alba was just 5 years old...

This is one of the most touching movie story line of the year... its now showing on the cinemas .. so do catch this movie.. no regrets :)

It's hard being left behind. I wait for Henry, not knowing where he is, wondering if he's okay. It's hard to be the one who stays. - Clare

` here.waiting ;

    06 aug 1984
    take my breath away
    i'm on my knees
    studying your heart

` my*wishes ;

    (↑more) personal saving
    (↑more) family time
    travel around the world
    learn piano
    next path of love
    loving dear
    caring mum


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